Wednesday, January 11, 2006

From Black-out Day to Impact Month

It is time for another Technology Black-out Day, but this year it has been changed to Technology Impact in Education Month.

This initiative focuses kids, and stakeholders, on the impact that ed tech is currently having on their lives. It offers interesting lesson plans on the site.

The only aspect of the initiative that concerns me is the culminating event of contacting their representatives in congress. Not that I think that this is a bad lesson in political activism, or that most kids will find fault with the way ed tech is being deployed on their schools, but it is a bit forced on the kids. Stop groaning. All I'm saying is, if some kid decides to not write to their congressnman, I hope they aren't penalized in some way.

By all means, use the resources here. Have the kids think about the implications of technology, positive and negative, on their lives. are going to dig this site about technology in the year 1900. I actually used the lessons on this site with a group of 6th graders on a day that our school lost power! (It was in my sub-plan folder.)

Jim :-)

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