Monday, July 24, 2006

OK...on three...DUHHHH!

Hi All,

The title of this post was completely unfair (and mean spirited), but I mean, really, is this study necessary?

Teacher development key to tech success

Could it be possible that anyone from the world of ed tech would doubt this?


This quote from the eSchool News article..." Although teachers report they are using technology more frequently for both instructional and administrative tasks, they also worry that obstacles such as a lack of access, time, and money are keeping them from integrating technology effectively into the curriculum, the study found. "... is SOOO what Larry Cuban was talking about in Teachers and Machines.

(A book that was produced prior to easy access to the internet and WWW, copyrght 1986.)

Thanks for the study CDW-G but I am truly astounded that this still needs confirmation.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Are US classrooms "left behind"?

That is what this eSchool News article is suggesting. This is unacceptable and annoying.

The link

Jim :-)

ps- long time no post! :-)